REZUROCK was evaluated in the pivotal ROCKstar (KD025-213) study in a real-world demographic of patients with cGVHD1,2

The FDA approval of REZUROCK was based on the pivotal ROCKstar study.1
The ROCKstar study included a broad range of patients who were representative of the general cGVHD population.1,2

These patients had

  • Early-stage cGVHD as well as late-stage disease1,2
  • Diverse ages (≥12 years)1
  • NIH-defined moderate (27%) or severe (70%) cGVHD2
  • A wide range of organ involvement, including fibrotic manifestations1,2
  • A diverse treatment history1,2
    • Median of 3 prior lines of systemic therapy (30% had received ruxolitinib and 33% had received ibrutinib)2


ROCKstar study inclusion criteria of aged greater than or equal to 12 years, underwent an allogeneic HCT, had active GVHD, received 2 to 5 prior lines of systemic therapy for cGVHD, systemic therapy for cGVHD was indicated, receiving stable CS therapy prior to screening, had a Karnofsky or Lanksy Performance Status Scale score of greater than or equal to 60 and stratification factors of prior ibrutinib (Y/N) and cGVHD severity were used in the open label trial consisting of Arm A: REZUROCK 200 mg once daily (n=66) (FDA-approved dosing) or Arm B: REZUROCK 200 mg twice daily (n=66). Study end points included a primary end point of best ORR at any time during the 12 months, according to the 2014 NIH cGVHD Consensus Criteria and key secondary end points of safety, DOR, TTR, LSS summary score, CS dose reduction, FFS, and OS. Treat to clinically significant progression or unacceptable toxicity.

ROCKstar was a pivotal phase 2, open-label, randomized, multicenter study that evaluated the efficacy and safety of REZUROCK in patients with cGVHD after receiving 2 to 5 prior lines of systemic therapy.2

Exclusion criteria: Patients were excluded from the study if they had a relapse of their underlying malignancy, had developed posttransplant lymphoproliferative disease, were currently receiving ibrutinib2 or had any of the following laboratory results: platelets were < 50 × 109/L; absolute neutrophil count < 1.5 × 109/L; AST or ALT > 3 × ULN; total bilirubin > 1.5 × ULN; QTc(F) >480 ms; eGFR <30 mL/min/1.73 m2; or FEV1 ≤39%.1

aThe Karnofsky/Lansky Performance Status Scale is used in outcome-based analyses to determine the functional status of a patient. The Karnofsky Scale is designed for patients aged <16 years, whereas the Lansky Scale is designed for patients aged <16 years. The scale range for both is 10 to 100.4
bThe final FDA interpretation of the ROCKstar study omitted 1 patient from the REZUROCK 200-mg once-daily arm. As a result, there are minor differences between the ROCKstar publication, where n=66, and the Prescribing Information, where n=65.
cORR was defined as the proportion of patients who achieved CR or PR.1 All responses were assessed by the study site investigators.2
dPrespecified secondary end points; not powered to show statistical significance.
eDOR was measured from the time of initial PR or CR until documented progression from best response of cGVHD, time from initial response to start of additional systemic cGVHD therapy or death.2
fThe 7-day LSS summary score was calculated based on the developer recommendations and was compared with the score from baseline in an exploratory analysis. An improvement of ≥7 points was considered clinically meaningful.2
gFFS was defined as the absence of relapse, nonrelapse mortality or a need for additional systemic therapy.2
hOS was defined as the time from the first dose of REZUROCK to the date of death due to any cause.3
Screening for eligibility was conducted within 14 days of C1D1.2
Certain concurrent immunosuppressive medications were allowed, as drug-drug interactions were not anticipated.2


The baseline demographics demonstrate the diversity of the patient population in the ROCKstar study. Many patients presented with challenging characteristics, including advanced or complex disease and having received multiple prior lines of systemic therapy.

Characteristics REZUROCK 200 mg once daily (n=66)b
Median age, y (range) 53 (21-77)
Male, n (%) 42 (64)
Median prior lines of systemic therapy, n 3
Median time from cGVHD diagnosis to enrollment, mo (range) 25 (2-162)
Median prednisone-equivalent dose at enrollment, mg/kg/d (range) 0.20 (0.03-0.95)
Concomitant PPI use, n (%) 33 (50)
≥4 organs involved, n (%) 33 (50)
Previous aGVHD, n (%) 42 (64)
Refractory to prior line of systemic therapy, n (%j) 44 (79)
NIH-defined cGVHD severity, n (%)
Severe 46 (70)
Moderate 18 (27)
Mild 2 (3)
Prior systemic cGVHD therapy type, n (%)
CS (prednisone) 65 (99)
Tacrolimus 40 (61)
ECP 31 (47)
Sirolimus 29 (44)
Ibrutinib 22 (33)
Ruxolitinib 20 (30)
Cyclosporine 4 (6)
Imatinib 3 (5)

bThe final FDA interpretation of the ROCKstar study omitted 1 patient from the REZUROCK 200-mg once-daily arm. As a result, there are minor differences between the ROCKstar publication, where n=66, and the Prescribing Information, where n=65.
jDenominator excludes patients with unknown status.1


Bar graph of patient severity in the ROCKstar study of 3% mild, 27% moderate, and 70% severe with REZUROCK 200 mg once daily (n=66)

bThe final FDA interpretation of the ROCKstar study omitted 1 patient from the REZUROCK 200-mg once-daily arm. As a result, there are minor differences between the ROCKstar publication, where n=66, and the Prescribing Information, where n=65.


Organ involvement

Patients (n=66),b
n (%)

Eyes 48 (73)
Skin 55 (83)
Mouth 30 (46)
Joints/Fascia 51 (77)
Lungs 24 (36)
Upper GI 13 (20)
Esophagus 19 (29)
Lower GI 6 (9)
Liver 9 (14)

bThe final FDA interpretation of the ROCKstar study omitted 1 patient from the REZUROCK 200-mg once-daily arm. As a result, there are minor differences between the ROCKstar publication, where n=66, and the Prescribing Information, where n=65.


in a real-world demographic of patients.1,2,k

aGVHD, acute graft-versus-host disease; ALT, alanine aminotransferase; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; cGVHD, chronic graft-versus-host disease; C1D1, cycle 1 day 1; CR, complete response; CS, corticosteroid(s); DOR, duration of response; ECP, extracorporeal photopheresis; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; FDA, US Food and Drug Administration; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 second; FFS, failure-free survival; GI, gastrointestinal; HCT, hematopoietic cell transplant; LSS, Lee Symptom Scale; MOA, mechanism of action; NIH, National Institutes of Health; ORR, overall response rate; OS, overall survival; PPI, proton pump inhibitor; PR, partial response; QOL, quality of life; TTR, time to response; ULN, upper limit of normal.

kROCKstar study select baseline patient characteristics (200-mg once-daily arm): median age of 53 years (range, 21-77); male, n=42 (64%); median of 3 prior lines of systemic therapy; median of 25 months (range, 2-162) from cGVHD diagnosis to enrollment; median prednisone-equivalent dose at enrollment of 0.20 mg/kg/d (range, 0.03-0.95); concomitant PPI use, n=33 (50%); ≥4 organs involved, n=33 (50%); previous aGVHD, n=42 (64%); refractory to prior line of systemic therapy, n=44 (79%)j; NIH-defined disease severity: n=46 (70%) severe, n=18 (27%) moderate, n=2 (3%) mild. Prior systemic therapies included corticosteroids (prednisone), n=65 (99%); tacrolimus, n=40 (61%); ECP, n=31 (47%); ibrutinib, n=22 (33%); and ruxolitinib, n=20 (30%).2,3
jDenominator excludes patients with unknown status.1

References: 1. REZUROCK. Package insert. Kadmon Pharmaceuticals, LLC. 2. Cutler C, Lee SJ, Arai S, et al; on behalf of the ROCKstar Study Investigators. Belumosudil for chronic graft-versus-host disease after 2 or more prior lines of therapy: the ROCKstar Study. Blood. 2021;138(22):2278-2289. doi:10.1182/blood.2021012021 3. Data on file. Kadmon Pharmaceuticals, LLC; 2021. 4. Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research. Karnofsky/Lansky performance status. Accessed February 26, 2024.